7 Tips to Improve Your Product Poster Design

A product poster is vital for all types of businesses. If you want to let everyone know about your product, creating a poster for it is one of the best ways for them to easily recall and remember them. You will need a great poster design to achieve this and it can be difficult if you don’t know what to prioritise. This article will cover the 7 tips you will need to improve your product poster design.

product poster alcohol

7 Tips to Improve Your Product Poster Design


1. Identify the goals you want to achieve with the poster

When you can identify the goals you want to achieve with your product poster early on, you can use it as a framework for all of your design choices later on.

There are a lot of goals you can consider when creating your poster. You can inform or educate customers about a new product or you can also persuade them to buy it as well.

Whatever goal you choose, you will need to strategically plan all of your information and design elements around  your poster to make sure you can achieve these goals.

2. Consider where you will distribute your product poster

Always take into consideration how you intend to distribute your product poster before implementing any type of design for it. This is important for a physical poster that will be posted on a wall because you will have to use colours that will stand out from the backdrop colour of the wall.

When designing a digital poster, you should make sure to consider the layout of the website the poster will be uploaded to.

You can either incorporate the colour layout of the website or you can use contrasting colours to immediately attract attention.

3. Create a contrast in the product poster design

Creating a contrast is one of the best ways for your product poster to stand out. You should leverage this contrast to help guide the eye of each viewer.

Contrast makes us see specific things instantly because of the big difference you are creating with mismatching elements. This can be done by mixing dark and light colours and colours that appear distinctly different.

You can also achieve contrast by putting different shapes against each other or even by experimenting with different sizes and scales of elements in the product poster.

4. Choose appropriate typography

Choosing the best typography for the product poster that you want to create is crucial to make sure it looks outstanding. The right typography can give your poster design a personality that audiences can easily understand.

You can experiment with fonts by making them bigger, broader, or bolder to give you an idea of the different design possibilities you can have. Remember to choose typography that is easily visible, readable, and consistent with the poster’s overall design.

You can check out this article for the different ways you can pair different fonts to achieve a consistent and aesthetically pleasing design for your product poster: Font Pairing Complete Guide: Best Practices for Combining Typefaces.

5. Use a large image to grab attention

One of the most effective tricks to grab attention is to incorporate one large image that people can easily see from a distance. While you can choose illustrations, or other images, you should focus on using photos of your product or using large text to accompany the product in your poster.

A big and imposing element in a poster will not just catch their eye, but it will be something they can easily remember for a long time.

Use an accurate and appealing product photo so customers will easily remember what it looks like when they want to buy it.

6. Keep your product poster design adaptable

When you want your product poster to go live in person and online, you will need to make sure that its design is easily adaptable for both situations.

To do this, you should focus on only using essential elements in your design. Less is more and if you are having trouble adapting some minor elements, you may as well remove them altogether and just concentrate on what is relevant to your goals.

Do not forget about what resolution your product poster design will be for social media and for print. They may not be similar so you will have to optimise the dimensions for each of them specifically.

Make Your Mark with Professional Graphics

7. Don’t forget to incorporate a call-to-action

When done well, a product poster campaign will drive people to perform a certain action. The action can vary and will depend on what type of goal you want to achieve with your posters.

Some of these goals can include purchasing your product, visiting your website or social media pages, or visiting your store. It should not overpower your main poster design but it should still be large enough to be seen immediately.

Including a call-to-action for your customers will make it easier for you to track if  you are successful with achieving the goals of your product poster.

product poster car

4 Benefits of Having Great Poster Design


1. A good poster design makes your product more visible

A product poster with great design can quickly stop people in their tracks. The best product poster designs adhere to design principles to make sure that they are easily spotted from afar or in the middle of any movement.

Whether people are walking, commuting, or driving, a high-quality product poster will immediately spark their curiosity. Big and bold typefaces that come with purposeful colour palettes make it a lot easier for you to make your poster visible from any angle or viewpoint.

2. You can spread brand awareness through great product posters

Since these product posters can spark the curiosity of potential customers, they also become an effective marketing tool for spreading brand awareness. It is easy for people to share posters in real life and on social media and this gives you higher impressions.

When people talk about your product poster, they will be more likely to remember the name of your brand and your products. Even if they don’t purchase the specific product on the poster, they could still choose something else from your brand or simply spread something positive about you.

3. The right audience will be targeted when you make a poster for them

What differentiates a great product poster from a bad one is how successful it is when it comes to communicating  your message to the right audience. A great poster design has a message that specifically targets a specific group of people and succeeds in grabbing their attention.

An ineffective poster will try to have a general design in an attempt to grab the attention of every passerby. By trying to appeal to everyone, your design may not stand out and may fail to attract anyone.

It is a lot better to successfully grab the attention of a more targeted group of people instead of failing to attract anyone when you want to communicate to a large general audience.

4. Customers can easily recall your product when it has a great poster design

A great product poster design will be more likely to be remembered by audiences. This is because the design will include a lot of visually appealing elements that will catch the eye of audiences.

When it catches their eye, it is more likely that they can easily recall and remember your product and your poster’s message.

If you want all of your product posters to be improved and excellent, then our team of professional graphic designers at VideoBlast can definitely help you out.

Our graphic design services allow you to work with professional graphic designers who can help you with unlimited requests and revisions at affordable rates. You can learn more about our services by contacting us now.

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